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Concrete Color CL01-20

CL01-20 is a cure concentrate formulated with C001,C002 and S001 to add color, harden and compact horizontal concrete.            When it use with C002 and S001, the colored and dustproof treated concrete alsoimproves the beauty and abrasion-resistance of concrete floors. CL01-20 provide varied colors which will be used in combinations with other products. All CL01-20 are suitable for indoor use, or no direct sunlight area. Supplied inconcentrate form, CL01-20 is an environmental friendly product which mini mizes freight, handing and storge.

Contact us

Tel: +86-15192765951

Mailbox: landyli0813@hotmail.com


Address: No. 588 Chaoyang mountain road, Huangdao District, Qingdao, China